Friday, January 15, 2010

Something Funny, Something Nice

So yesterday at work I had two different highlights, one funny and one nice. The funny one: we had a vendor come in to work to fix one of our fire sprinkler alarms. I gave him a badge and then he went off with one of our employees to fix the fire sprinkler. About 10 minutes later he was back up at the desk saying how he felt stupid and was a little upset because he had the wrong size on the new part. An hour later he came back with the new part. I gave him a badge to get around our building and I joked around with him about how he better have brought the right size (for the new part) this time. Then 10 minutes later he was back up at my desk to turn in his badge because he brought the wrong part again. He was not happy at all. I felt a little stupid because I had made a big deal when he came in, but honestly I just wanted to laugh because it was so funny. Then he left and came back about an hour later. When he came back I didn't make any comments to him about having the right part because I felt bad. He just went off to fix the part and when he didn't come back for a long time, I knew he had finally brought the right size with him. Once he left our building after fixing the fire sprinkler I just laughed. I did feel bad for the guy though especially since I had joked around about making sure he had the right part. It was really funny you had to be there.

The nice highlight: so around lunch time Kneaders dropped off some lunch for someone (they come to our building and drop off orders for people all the time). As they were dropping it off they told us that is was for 2 people. One of the two people named was me and the other one named was my co-worker that is next to me. I was really surprised because I did not call them and order food. The driver said that someone called this lunch in for us and wanted it to be a surprise. So my co-worker and I were trying to figure out who would do something so nice for us. We brainstormed and finally came up with an idea. We knew whoever ordered the lunch for us would casually wanted to find out if we have received the delivery. We were able to figure it out, but I am not going to go into that story. This was such a nice gesture from one of my co-workers. It was so nice of them and really made my day and the turkey sandwich from Kneaders was just fabulous. I really appreciated this kind thoughtful gesture it was the highlight of my week.

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