Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Carving Night

On Thursday we did our annually pumpkin carving for family night. We usually do family night on Monday's at Mat's Dad's, but it was changed to Thursday this week because more people were able to make it for the pumpkin carving.

Here is me helping Aidan carve his pumpkin. He drew what he wanted on the pumpkin and then I carved it out for him.

Madison hanging out with her Grandpa Stan. She was very tired.

Some of the gang carving pumpkins.

Madison hanging out with her Daddy watching others carve pumpkins.

Sydney our niece carving her cute pumpkin. She did a great job.

I tried to take a picture of us that is why it looks a little funny. Madison was not a happy camper.

So because I helped Aidan carve a pumpkin and Mat had Madison for much of the time we did not carve any of our own pumpkins. We just have plains one. It works for me.

1 comment:

Katie said...

It looks like it was a fun night.