Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Four Months

I am only a week and half late on posting Madison's four month pictures. Where has the time gone? I can't believe that Madison is already four months old now. It is so crazy how much she has grown. Madison really enjoys sucking on her fists, has rolled over two times now, and smiles a ton especially in the mornings. Madison is such a happy baby in the mornings. Some mornings she wakes up grinning from ear to ear and it just melts our little hearts. Madison is such a delight. Here are a few pictures from the past month with our dear sweet beautiful Madison.

Our little family

A cute little smile from Madison.

Madison with two of her cousin out for a little walk.

I love this picture. I was driving in the car and when I stopped the car and got out Madison was asleep and her bow was covering her eyes and I had to take a picture.

Madison and her Mommy.

Madison all bundled up looking adorable.

Tummy time

Madison now weighs: in the 10th month in 2010.
Madison is 23 inches long and in the 11th percentile for height and 3rd percentile for weight. Madison is finally on the charts. All right!

Madison's 4 month teddy bear comparison.

Madison's 4 month comparison to Mat's hand.

Here are some of Madison's 4 month pictures. Our little gift from heaven.



A family picture at the pumpkin patch with Madison sucking on her fist.

I love that face. You feel so bad yet at the same time it is so adorable.
Where's Waldo I mean Madison?

We are so happy!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Those are some fun photos!