Monday, October 4, 2010

3 Months Pictures, a little late.

So here are some pictures of Madison after two months up till 3 months old. I finally got around to posting her 3 month pictures a week before she is four months. At least I am getting around to it though. Madison has had a major growth spurt in the last 3 weeks. It seems like overnight she grows so much. Madison has lost tons of hair and it has really lightened up. Just after Madison turned 2 months and before she turned 3 months she started sleeping around 9 hours at night (she sleeps even more now which is great). Madison has started smiling more and more. Madison still takes many naps during the day. Madison is getting a lot stronger and as you can see in the picture below is doing well in her bumbo. Madison is definitely recognizing us more and more. Madison enjoys when we sing to her and also enjoys being held face out. Madison still loves her binki. Madison is still being swaddled at night. Madison is our little angel. Next week we have a doctors appointment and hopefully I can post her 4 months stuff soon. Enjoy some random pictures of the adorable M baby.

Madison wearing pink, imagine that.

One morning all ready to go off to church.

Madison with her Grandma and Grandpa Val. (Mat's Mom and Step-dad)

I love this face. This yellow dress is actually a dress that I wore when I was a baby. I think my Grandma crocheted it for me.

We had a visit from our Birth Mom Erin a few weeks ago. She came and spent some time with us in our home. We are so very very grateful to her and words cannot express what Madison has meant to us in our life. Madison is the best.

Madison with her Birth Mom.

Erin also came up with us to a family party at my Uncle's Cabin. We also invited Mat's Dad and Step-Mom to join us. Here is Erin, Madison, and Grandma Tami (Mat's Step-Mom). Madison has meant the world to us and we love Erin so much for bringing her int our life.

These next pictures are Madison's 3 month pictures. Madison on her tummy.

Madison's beautiful smile.

Madison wondering what her parents are trying to do to her.

Madison compared to Mat's hand at 3 months. You will have to look back at older posts to see the other month comparisons. Madison really has gotten so big.

Madison at 3 months compared to her teddy bear.I remember when Madison use to fit in my arm.

Another adorable 3 month picture. I love the hand behind her head. She is already learning to pose.

So cute!

And this one too.

I think the hand on the knee is so adorable.

Madison is not a fan of having hats on her, but I think she just needs to get use to it or maybe she is just rebelling because she had to have a hat on her head 24/7 for the first 3 or so weeks.

Look at that face!

 Madison has a good set of lungs no doubt about that.

Such a sweet picture and look at those eyes.

Well as you can see Madison is our world and we love her so very very much. We are so glad she is part of our family and know that it was meant to be. Madison is the best and most beautiful baby. I am not prejudice or anything.


jodi kay said...

Such sweet pictures! She is getting so big! You guys are so adorable with your precious Madison!

Esther said...

These pictures are darling! I love the ones of Erin too, she looks like she could be your sister!