Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Adventures of Babysitting

We did a little babysitting last week for two of our nephews and one niece. We watched Mat's brother Bob's kids because they went to Hawaii. Sydney is 7 (not in any pictures though because she was at school during the day), Will is 3 almost 4, and Drew is 1 and then of course we had Madison to take care of too. We watched them from Sunday night until Tuesday night which means I watched them because Mat was at work all day and would get home at 7:00 at night and the kids all went to bed at 8:00. Needlessly to say I survived. For the most part everything went smoothly. There were a couple of moments when I thought that 1 kid is definitely enough for me, but that only lasted for a very short time and then everything was great. The kids were really good and Madison did pretty well since she had to share Mom's attention which is something new for her. Sydney was at school both days which made it so I really only had to watch the two boys and Madison. Here are a few moments that I captured from the adventures of babysitting.

Will, Madison, and Drew posing for the camera.

Drew is a mild baby and happy most of the time. Look at his face.

Will loves playing with cars and trains. Will kept wanting me to take lot's of pictures of his Thomas train from different angles. He is all boy. I gave him some stickers and card stock one day and it kept him entertained for 1 1/2 hours. He loved it and was like, "I didn't know you had these stickers. I love these stickers."

Madison looking cute sitting on the couch. Madison is starting to suck on her hands a bunch.

Monday morning I ventured out before it rained and pushed two strollers while Will tagged along. We took a short walk and we stopped for a few minutes so that Will could play at the park.

Drew with his favorite toy Goofy hanging out in the stroller.

Will and Drew having fun smiling for the camera.

Will spending some time with Madison.
Babysitting was good, but next time I want to be the one in Hawaii.

1 comment:

Chantal said...

after I read this post to Sydney she said "Oh so that's what was in my backpack" (referring the pages with stickers on them). I hope you get to go to Hawaii next time too!