Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Game Night

Game Night with the fam is always fun. We played Phase 10 this time. We both enjoy this game and play it by ourselves quite a bit too. I taught Mat how to play it when we first got married, but I actually taught him wrong. We soon learned the right way to play and I can still beat Mat at the game. However, the best game night so far was when we played Guesstures. My mom was Hilarious with her actions and movements, but she won't play it again because we laughed at her so much.

We had a nice time at game night. We love to play games. When we were first married our favorite game to play together was Deluxe Yahtzee. We played so much that we got tired of it and have not played it in a couple of years.

1 comment:

Thayne6 said...

You guys look like you have such a fun time with your family game nights. I love to play games. We just have too many kids to make it enjoyable. Maybe we'll all have to get babysitters and try it! It was good to see you the other day.
(you should check out our blog--www.thayne6.blogspot.com