Tuesday, August 17, 2010

She's two months already

Our little Madison turned two months last week. Time has gone by fast and it has been fun and a little sad to see Madison getting bigger and bigger. Madison is such a delight and joy in our lives. We are SO happy to have her in our home and a part of our lives. Here are some pictures of what we've been up to this last month:

Madison already to go for her first time to church.
Madison still sleeps plenty. I love how she looks like she is lounging around in this picture. So adorable!
Madison already to go and visit her Daddy at work for the first time.
Madison's first dip in the kiddie pool.
One of Madison's new tricks is to pull her hair and then cry. Funny how that works. It makes us laugh.
Madison has ventured out and taken a few showers. She loves them and hates getting out.
Madison's first sun hat. She is so cute!
Madison sleeping again.
Madison's first time playing Frisbee Golf. I think she might have beat us both.
Madison hanging in her Jammies.
Madison's first demolition derby. Mat and I try and go every year as tradition because it was one of our first dates and we had a really good time the first time we went. Madison did really good.
Madison at 5 weeks.
Madison at 6 weeks.
Madison at 7 weeks.
Madison at 8 weeks.
Madison is at her two month check up now weighs:
Birth, one month, and two month comparisons to Mat's hand.
Birth, one month, and two month teddy bear comparisons.

 Madison at two months.

Madison is so beautiful. We are loving every moment and are enjoying watching Madison grow and develop. Madison is getting stronger each day, observing her world more and more, and even starting to smile. This is what life is really all about. We love you Madison!


BensonFam said...

I love that you take monthly comparison pictures - it's so amazing to see how fast they grow without even realizing it. Glad she's doing great - she is seriously so beautiful!!

The Lovells said...

She's adorable!! And so tiny, neither of mine were ever that small!