Monday, May 11, 2009

The Roarin' Random Relays at work...

At work I am on the Events Committee and we plan activities about once every other month. Last Friday we planned a relay race activity outside. It turned out to be a success. People at first were a little skeptical, but by the time they finished they were all smiles.The weather was chilly in the morning, but by the afternoon it was not too bad. (I actually got some color on my face.) Yes whip cream was involved.

The first part of the relay was spining 5 times around a baseball bat and then "running" to the next person to do the next relay. I had to help out with some of the teams because there was not enough people. So this is me before I spun around the baseball bat.

This is me trying to walk after spinning around the bat.

The second relay involved sucking up M&M's through a straw from one bowl and placing them in a bowl about 10 feet away without dropping it. (You had to do it 3 times.)

Here are some co-workers trying to keep their M&M's on the end of the straws to place in the other jar.

This is the bean bag toss portion of the relay. I enjoyed this event the best because it was what I was best at. (You only had to make one bean bag into the hole in the top of the box.)

The final portion of the relay was to eat a pie tin full of whip cream with only your mouth to see what word was on the bottom. We (the Events Committee) put random words on the bottom like pineapple, sunshine, summer sun, banana, etc...

Here are two members of the Events Committee trying to look tough in their garabage bag outfits before the whip cream eating contest.

Another member of the committee out of control.

Do you think I should keep growing it out?

Work, whats that?

1 comment:

Devin, Abby, and Grady said...

Hey I found your blog on the Deters page! Send me your email and I'll invite you to ours. Love the stache by the way! :-)