Monday, September 20, 2010

The Great Outdoors

We went on our first and last camping trip of the summer about 3 weeks ago. We took Madison with us and we had a great time. We camped by Strawberry Resevoir with some family. It was so good to get out and spend some time outdoors. Here are a few pics from our adventure:

We are on our way to go camping. Madison and her Uncle Stevie. I went up earlier with my mom, step-dad, and little brother. Mat came up later as well as my oldest brother and his family.

Madison in her little hat hanging outside the trailer with me.

Stevie making a fire. We ate some hotdogs for lunch.

Playing Sorry in the trailer. The weather was rainy at times, but we had an enjoyable time anyway.

Roasting marshmallows and starburst after dinner and before the huge rainstorm that we had.

Madison in her jammies.

Madison really all snuggled up. She is such a doll.

We had our tent all set up and the play pen all set up, but we had been playing games in the trailer in the evening during a huge rainstorm. We decided we did not want to take Madison out of the trailer into the rain to get to our tent so we ended up sleeping in the trailer. Mat ended up holding Madison most of the night in the bed with us and that is why he looks so tired. This is us in the morning along with cute Ellie who wanted to hold little Madison.

My brother Ryan, cute Emma, and my little bro Steve in the morning.

My mom in the morning, but she did not want me to take a picture of her.

During the next day we went on a little walk/hike. It was beautiful. Steve, Mat, and Madison in her little backpack carrier.

Here is the gang that went on the walk except Steve who is taking the picture.

Our little family.

1 comment:

BensonFam said...

Love Strawberry! Such a pretty place! Yay for starting her off camping young too - we have always had the intention to take our kids camping, but so far it hasn't happened.