Sunday, May 16, 2010

A week late a dollar short

So I should have posted about Mother's Day a week ago, but better late than never. We had a nice Mother's Day. Mother's are the greatest. What would we do without them? The Mothers in our lives are such great women. They are good examples, sacrifice so much on our behalf, and make life so much sweeter. Many lessons have been learned by all the great women in our lives. 

On Mother's Day we started the day off by talking to my sister who is on a mission in Germany. It was great to hear here voice. She is doing really well on her mission. She just got transferred and has a new companion, but not really new because her companion now is the companion she had in the MTC. So that is really fun for her and she is really excited about that. Then we went to a homecoming for one of my sisters missionary companions (actually her trainer). It was fun to see her companion and one of the stories she told in her talk was when she was companions with my sister. She was telling the story and I was like I have heard that before. It was really neat.

Then later on that day we were able to talk with my brother and had dinner over at my Mom's. My little brother is doing really well as well. He just got transferred to an area that is pretty nice. He enjoys his new area and the members are really great too. He will be home in the end of July. It has gone by really fast. My mom made some yummy chicken soup. It has some really good mango salsa in it. It was sweet and spicy, just all around delicious. We then headed over to Mat's Moms house. We had a good time over there visiting. Mat's mom and step-dad had just gotten back from a four wheeling weekend. Val (Mat's step-dad) not to be confused with Val (Mat's mom) made us some carrot juice while we were there. It was OK. It reminded me of growing up and staying at my grandma's house. She use to make us carrot juice all the time and make us drink it. I don't care for carrots and I hated drinking the juice. I had some last week because I know it is good for me. Hopefully I got lot's of Vitamin A now. Then two of his brothers and crew ended up coming over too. We stayed over for a while and didn't end up having time to go and visit anyone else.

Here is my mommy.

Ellie and Ben playing in pj's while we were talking to my sister on her mission.

My Mother-in-law Mat's mommy.

Grandma and Will getting pestered by Uncle Mat (can't tell from picture though).

Thanks to all those great Mothers out there.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I hated drinking carrot juice at grandmas!!